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Don't you have enough kids already?

Why Adoption?

Why on earth are they adopting?

Don’t they have enough kids?

I’m sure these are the top questions on most people’s minds right now.  So I’m going to go ahead and put them out there and answer them.

YES, we have enough kids!  We have 5 beautiful, vibrant, wonderful kids.  Two are mine from a previous marriage but 100% loved by my husband as his own.  One joined our family through a temporary guardianship and we later had the joy of adopting him.  Two are ours together.  The 7 of us are close.  As tight knit as any biological family, and I would venture to say more tight knit than many.  We are strong.  We've weathered challenges.  We've seen God’s glory.  We've cried, praised, worshiped, and conquered together.  We've learned that blood and genetics do not define family – love does. 

YES, we have enough kids!  Our house is full, and our bank accounts not nearly as full.  We work hard to keep up with the physical, financial, and emotional demands of such a big household.  It is hard work and my husband and I live in a constant state of exhaustion.  But it is powerful, wonderful, holy exhaustion, where we know that we have poured ourselves out daily to fulfill God’s call for us.  So yes, we have enough.  We have enough bills, doctor appointments, laundry, dishes, diapers, and stresses.  We don’t need more.  But God has asked us to add more to our lives.  So we will.  And we’ll gladly stay up later, work harder, and do more hard stuff in exchange for more smiles, cuddles, bedtime prayers, stories, and joy.  Because it’s not just our job – it’s our calling; and the payoff is incredible. 

YES, we have enough kids.  We already have one more than we ever planned.  But it’s not about us.  It’s not about what we want, what we once dreamed for our lives, or any other agenda we once had. 

It’s about obedience.  God has asked us to do this.  He has spent 5 years preparing us for this very assignment.  We could say no.  He would still love us just as much and He would forgive us if we just said “No, God, we’re tired.  We’ve poured out the very last drop of ourselves and we just don’t have enough time, energy, money, etc.”  Or we could say “YES!” and let Him meet every need and fill us to overflowing like He says He will.  We could trust and obey.  We can rest in God when we’re too tired to go on.  So we will.  We blindly said yes and stepped out in faith; because it’s not about us.

It’s about love.  It’s about a little girl in an Eastern European orphanage with no family.  It’s about a child with special needs that has been cast aside, a child with very little hope for the future simply because she is different.  Yes, we have enough children.  But it’s not about us, it’s about her.  You see, we may have enough children, but she doesn’t have enough family.  She doesn’t have enough love.  She is running short on laughter, and hugs, and the pure joy of being a carefree little girl.  And I just happen to know of a big, loud, boisterous family with plenty of joy, laughter, hugs, and an unending supply of love to share.

Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your plans. Proverbs 16:3 (NIV)

We are so thankful that you are joining us for this journey.  Please pray with us daily for God's will in this adoption.  

If you would like to help, you may contribute to our adoption fund at:  

Or make a tax-deductible donation at:

Even $5 can help us rescue this child.

Every dime will go to getting our child home, and every little bit counts. 


  1. We love you guys!!

  2. Hey there - just came across your blog because I get google alerts about adoption :) We just recently adopted our daughter from Poland :) Hoping your girl comes home quickly!!!!


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