I think in this case, adoption is like the longest, most annoying pregnancy ever! Haha
We are still waiting. It seems like everything is one step forward, two steps back. Our homestudy needed edits, so we have to re-send it to her country. There goes another $30 in apostilles. Our medical forms were done in April for the homestudy, but have to be less than 5 months old, so need to be done again... there goes another $300. Our USCIS fingerprint appointments are the farthest out date imaginable and our local office (which is 300 miles away, so not exactly local) doesn't take walk ins. It feels like we've been hit with a lot of negative lately. Please say a prayer for us that we can move through these obstacles quickly, and maybe even cheaply. Once we get through these delays, things should move quickly (we hope).
On the other side, we have experienced an awesome group of friends and family that have stepped up to help us along the way. They have prayed, encouraged us, and helped with fundraising. We are blessed to have them in our corner. I have to say, those people that are part of the support system of an adoptive family are just as important to the adoption as the actual family. It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes it takes a village to pay the ransom on a child's life and get that child home. Today I am incredibly grateful for our small, but powerful village.
Pray for us today, because we are feeling frustrated and defeated. We are weary from the journey. We are worried for our daughter as she waits. We are worried as costs go up every time we have to redo something, but fundraising has done basically nothing yet. We are stressed and anxious. Please cover us in prayer as we continue this journey.
Thank you all for being part of our journey with us. I know adoption posts are supposed to be sunshine & rainbows so that I can convince others to adopt, but it wouldn't be honest if I didn't share the frustrating times too!
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