I have sat down a million times to explain WHY we would specifically adopt a child with special needs & what special needs parenting means to me. But I just can't explain it without the back story. So here it is... the beginning of our journey in special needs parenting. I remember vividly when I was pregnant with our baby girl and we were choosing names. My husband liked a lot of cutesy little girl names, and I kept saying that we need something strong. Something suitable for a strong, fierce woman who could someday be a doctor, lawyer, or President of the United States! She needed something that would look good on her PhD diploma. At the time I worked for a university, and one of my tasks was printing diplomas, and my argument was that you rarely see a "cutesy" name on a doctoral diploma. We settled on a "cutesy" name, with a long version. You know, for her PhD diploma some day. We settled on a name that to me, spoke of kindness, gentleness, b...
Life, love, and learning to bloom where we're planted... even if it's 15 miles from nowhere